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Monday, August 28, 2006

Think Pink.....and a little green!

I moved into my rental house in April. The first things i moved in and set up were my sewing and craft supplies, but i never got around to decorating. I've had such a busy summer that i just recently got around to unpacking all of my cute little things. This is one of my little display shelves. I tried to use bright and colorful things since i cant paint the walls. The fun little green storage container, green and pink kitty painting, and pink heart box came from a pink swap i did on craftster. The blue ceramic dress and the beaded ivory dress form were birthday presents from my sister. I made the hot pink doily and my latest project, the paisley journal. After my last post about the first two journals i made, i've been working on perfecting my journal making process. I'm so happy with how this paisley journal turned out that its going to be the first one i list in my etsy shop.

Speaking of pink and green, I went to visit my sister this weekend and to help her settle into her dorm. She shares my addiction with new bedding so, of course, we went shopping. She already had a few pink and minty green accents so thats what we went looking for, i think we found it!

We found the green striped pillow and went from there. The green curtain is made from a nautica flat sheet that was on clearance. You could never get enough fabric by the yard for the price of that sheet!

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Back to School

Today was the first day of the fall semester, it also happens to be my last semester as i graduate in december. I was fidgety and bored last night so of course i sat down at my desk and made something! Usually my spur of the moment craft projects dont turn into anything useful or cute, but i was pretty excited with what i did last night!
I've made journals before, but I made them with fabric covers, this time i wanted to try a traditional hard cover. The newspaper journal was the first i made, and i think it came out really nice. The second one I made to celebrate going back to school. I dont know if you can tell from the picture but there is a quarter button on the lower right of the journal.

I made the apple journal a little different, I laid down a layer of thin batting before i wrapped it in fabric. I like the way it is slightly puffy on the front, but i dont know if i like how it looks on the inside. The first decorative page doesn't lay as flat as it does on the newspaper journal. I'm thinking about making some of these to list in my etsy store, but i haven't made up my mind. I dont know if my book binding and book making skills are as advanced as other sellers on etsy. I love making these little books though, so i may just keep practicing until i'm comfortable enough to list them.

As for the sock in my previous post, I did finish them that day, but i had an airhead moment and i gave them away before i could take a picture of the finished project. Oops! I'm working on a pair of socks for me, so hopefully i'll manage to get a picture of those!

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My first pair of socks, almost

I have a new friend and a new addiction! Thanks to Deb at Fearless Fibers i am addicted to knitting socks. Its kind of crazy because i'm not a knitter. I know how to knit and purl enough to make a scarf but i had never attempted anything else, especially not socks! Socks look very intimidating and scary but really they're not so bad. I used this site to help me through my first practice sock. The site has really good, clear instructions, and explain the different things you'll find in a basic sock pattern.

The almost finished socks in the picture are for seth's mom, rhea ann. Her birthday is tomorrow, so i'm going to be up late tonight finishing up the second sock. I like to do something hand made for her every year because she is a crafty person too and appreciates all things hand made. I made her a quilt last year for her birthday so i knew i wasn't going to be able to top that. But i think she will like the socks. I'll find out tomorrow!

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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Pretty in pink, quilt top

So here is what i have come up with for my wonderful fabrics. I was flipping through my denyse schmidt book and got inspired. Alot of the new modern quilts call for a lot of solids in big pieces, while i think it looks really cool, I personally love prints. So this quilt is a departure from the norm for me. I adapted this from the big zig pattern and i really love how the zig zags of prints work with the solid pink and brown. One fat quarter was perfect for one row of zig zag. The finished size of this quilt is going to be 60 inches by 82 inches, twin size.

The quilt is hanging on my wall by the corners which is why there is some weird pulling across the center seam. I think the the zig zags worked with prints, you can definitely see the seam in the close up picture, but i think one everything is quilted it wont be as noticeable. I did my best to try to match up the dots, but i only had a fat quarter and had to work with as little waste as possible.

I pieced the back today, and layed the quilt out and basted everything together. I was going to attempt to quilt it on my home machine but i dont think its going to work. There is a quilt store about 20 minutes away that rents time on their handi quilter long arm, they also offer a class on how to use it. I think thats what i'm going to do for this quilt since i'm just going to follow the same quilting pattern denyse schmidt used in her book. I'll let ya'll know how it works out!

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