My first pair of socks, almost

I have a new friend and a new addiction! Thanks to Deb at Fearless Fibers i am addicted to knitting socks. Its kind of crazy because i'm not a knitter. I know how to knit and purl enough to make a scarf but i had never attempted anything else, especially not socks! Socks look very intimidating and scary but really they're not so bad. I used this site to help me through my first practice sock. The site has really good, clear instructions, and explain the different things you'll find in a basic sock pattern.
The almost finished socks in the picture are for seth's mom, rhea ann. Her birthday is tomorrow, so i'm going to be up late tonight finishing up the second sock. I like to do something hand made for her every year because she is a crafty person too and appreciates all things hand made. I made her a quilt last year for her birthday so i knew i wasn't going to be able to top that. But i think she will like the socks. I'll find out tomorrow!
I love you web site and store! Go girl! Wishing you the best in Texas.
Those stripes truly ARE magical!
Socks!! I wish I could figure out knitting - i just dont' have the patience. I like instant gratification.. or at least gratification through crocheting.
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