So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good bye!
Ok, so the sound of music reference might be a bit overkill, i'm not leaving my blog, just moving it! You may remember a while back i was whining about not knowing perl scripts and other nonsense like that, well i have decided to go with typepad as my new home. My new blog address is I will soon have my personal site, configured to redirect to my blog, but that involves a phone call to bluehost tech support during business hours.
For my last post on blogger i will share with you one of my favorite art projects, "My little pony in space" , I made this for a swap on craftster. After i signed up to make a customized pony, my
mind went blank. It was only when i was on one of my many tours through hobby lobby when i found a cord of battery operated blinking lights. I thought they looked just like stars. My big plan was to cut the pony open from the bottom and shove the lights inside, but i severley overestimated the size of these "little" ponies. So one wooden fram and mat board later and ta da! My little pony in space was born! She has all 10 planets on her body, i believe that is jupiter on her hip and earth on her front hoof. She of course also sports an electric red mohawk, perfect for space travel! I hope i see you all at my new address!